While there is some awareness of the importance of early childhood development, the foundation of the brain and body is developed before we are even born. How can we support healthy prenatal development? What can we do to better support individuals and families who live with brain differences and disabilities related to fetal alcohol exposure? These are some of the issues tackled by the Texas FASD Alliance. The Texas FASD Alliance is a group of committed individuals and organizational representatives who are focused on addressing FASD in Texas through education, research, and public policy. Membership is voluntary and new participants are always welcome! Current members include: people with lived experience, family members and caregivers, state agency staff, professionals from: medicine, education, mental health, disability, substance use disorder treatment and recovery, public health, academia, the non-profit sector, advocacy organizations, and others. To learn more about FASD: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/fasd/facts.html
Accomplishments and current activities of the Texas FASD Alliance include:
- To-date, have provided education and training to over 5,000 Texans though national and state conferences, workshops, “training of trainers programs” and customized consultation to organizations.
- Developed the first statewide plan on FASD, followed by annual action plans on FASD.
- Engaged in ground breaking collaborative research related to prevalence of FASD and FASD among children served through child protective services (published in national peer reviewed journals).
- Serves as the voice and subject matter expert for FASD in Texas, as the designated state lead for the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS), and an active participant of its affiliate network.
- Coordinates and consults with both existing FASD family support groups and groups being formed to support families with lived experiences related to FASD.
- Develops policies and program models in collaboration with state agencies and nonprofits
For more information, please contact Leah Davies, ldavies@utexas.edu.