This page describes the projects dedicated to sharing knowledge and resources that promote accessibility, inclusion, and equity for individuals with disabilities. Through its information dissemination efforts, TCDS aims to bridge the gap between research, practice, and community needs, ensuring that evidence-based strategies and tools are accessible to diverse audiences. By leveraging a variety of platforms, trainings, and educational materials, TCDS empowers individuals, families, and professionals with the knowledge needed to advocate for and implement meaningful change.
TCDS Products and Materials
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Autism Consortium of Texas
The purpose of the Autism Consortium is to network and foster autism-related research and program collaborations at the University of Texas at Austin and in the Central Texas area.
Genetics Education Webinars
The Genetic Series is a collaborative effort between The University of Texas at Austin - Texas Center for Disability Studies and The Department of Molecular and Human Genetics at Baylor College of Medicine to educate health professionals and families on genetic developmental disorders.
Texas Technology Access Program
The Texas Technology Access Program (TTAP) provides assistive technology device loans, demonstration centers, recycle/reuse programs, and financing.