The 2024 AUCD Conference was held from Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 to Wednesday, November 6th, 2024, in Washington D.C. TCDS faculty, staff, and trainees attended to participate to share their research projects and attend special interest group meetings.

Concurrent Sessions

Engaging Minoritized IDD Communities Through Inclusive Research Strategies
This panel highlighted research projects (three institutions, two UCEDDs/LENDs), that used innovative, inclusive strategies for racially/ethnically minoritized communities. The project begin with a qualitative study focused on the recruitment and engagement of African American children with IDD and their caregivers. Next, they discussed the use of accelerometers with Latino children with IDD and their caregivers. Finally, they conclude with adaptations for inclusive participation of transition-age youth with IDD from racially/ethnically minoritized communities.
Sandra Vanegas, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor Texas Center for Disability Studies, UCEDD/LEND
Co Presenter(s)
- Jasmine Brown-Hollie, Ph.D., OTR/L, IL - Institute on Disability & Human Development, UCEDD/LEND
- Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, Ph.D., IL - Institute on Disability & Human Development, UCEDD/LEND
- Pei-Chiang Lee, MSW, TX - Texas Center for Disability Studies, UCEDD/LEND
- Catherine Harwood, MSSW, TX - Texas Center for Disability Studies, UCEDD/LEND
Contributing Author(s)
- Mansha Mirza, Ph.D., OTR/L, IL - Institute on Disability & Human Development, UCEDD/LEND
- Vanessa Errisuriz, Ph.D., Santa Clara University
- Sandy Magaña, Ph.D., MSW, TX - Texas Center for Disability Studies, UCEDD/LEND
- Larissa Minner, TX - Texas Center for Disability Studies, UCEDD/LEND
- Nicholas Nelson, MPH, TX - Texas Center for Disability Studies, UCEDD/LEND
- Natalie Swartz, TX - Texas Center for Disability Studies, UCEDD/LEND
Poster Symposium

PODER Familiar: A Culturally Tailored Intervention for Latino Families of Children with IDD
PODER Familiar is a two-site pilot study aimed at promoting the health and well-being of Latina caregivers and their child with IDD. A mixed method design, including single-group pre-post design, focus groups and individual interviews was used to evaluate caregiver and child outcomes. This project used the promotoras (peer mentors) model to deliver the intervention, a method that has been shown to be effective in improving outreach and health outcomes for Latino families of children with IDD.
- Amy Pei-Lung Yu, MSW
- Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, Ph.D.
- Stephany Brown, LMSW
- Sandy Magaña, Ph.D.

Emerging Leaders in Advocacy: LEND Capitol Day in Texas
As a part of a collaboration between ACT LEND, LoneStar LEND, and Help Me Grow, faculty, staff and trainees participated in public policy education and training to meet with state legislators and legislative staff to educate them on issues impacting people with disabilities, their families, and caregivers. Advocacy Day provides the opportunity for interdisciplinary emerging leaders and public-facing communications.
- Leslie Jackson, UT Austin, TCDS
- Catherine Harwood, UT Austin, TCDS
- Kristen L. Padilla, Baylor University, Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities
Effectiveness of Stimulus Control Transfer from English to Home Language on Listener Responding Skills for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
This proposal program aims to equip transition age bilingual youth with autism with their heritage languages to increase communication skills employing single subject research design. Utilizing ABA verbal behavior therapy with progressive prompt delay strategy, four youth joined the experimental study to learn listener responding skill. Outcomes will inform the level of effectiveness of the stimulus control transfer procedure, social validity and the implementation feasibility.
- Jaekyung Willows, Doctoral Candidate, Texas Center for Disability Studies, UCEDD/LEND
Leading Change Session

Stronger Together: Strategies, Opportunities, and Challenges for Inclusive Research
Collaborations in research are critical to advancing rights and opportunities for and with people with disabilities. To advance research that is truly meaningful, however, goes beyond the notion of ‘inclusion,’ and must take into consideration all facets of inclusive research from concept to practice. We invite you to join us in this transformative Leading Change Session to hear the unique perspectives from leading researchers within and beyond the AUCD Network.
TCDS' Larissa Minner, along with other panelists representing a variety of professional backgrounds and lived experiences, shared their stories and lessons learned from academic-community partnerships, discussed the value of people with disabilities who are researchers, and explored the challenges in the research process and outcomes that are influenced by the academic ecosystem.
Key Topics:
- Academic-community partnerships
- Inclusive research concept-to-practice
- People with disabilities as researchers, People with disabilities as co-researchers
- Significance of feedback and advocacy to inform research
- Tools for inclusive research and accessibility
- Stories of success, challenges, and solutions
- Academic value system and its impact on priorities
- ‘Readiness’ of researchers and funders