February 1, 2023

Are you concerned about your child’s development?
Do you think your child might have developmental delays?
If your child is between 18 months and 6 years of age, you may be eligible to participate in the ASPEN Research Study.
Participation includes completing a screening questionnaire over the phone.
Eligible families will be randomly assigned to one of two groups:
- Families will be invited to participate in a social communication intervention that includes 12 sessions. The intervention will provide education and training on strategies to help your child’s development.
- Families will receive the intervention materials and educational information on strategies to help your child’s development.
If you’re interested in participating or would like more information, contact:
Sandra Vanegas, PhD
(512) 475-7203 or (512) 693-9765
You can also register your interest online:
Please feel free to share research flyers with your networks!