Randy Consford:  Mental Health and Preparing for COVID-19 Part 2

Event Status

Support and Connection: Person Centered Practices During COVID

A Free Training Series for High Risk People and their Support Networks


You are invited to attend an upcoming virtual training series:  Support and Connection:  Person Centered Practices During COVID. This project is a collaborative partnership between Texas Parent to Parent and The Texas Center for Disability Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, with gratitude to the Money Follows the Person Demonstration grant for funding this project.

Training Participants will learn how to develop a One-Page Profile, a visual snap shot of what is important to the person, their support needs and an overview of specific medical information.  The information from the One-Page Profile is intended to provide an immediate overview about a person for medical professionals in the event of an emergency hospitalization resulting from COVID-19.

Speakers will present two trainings on a specific topic.  Karyn Harvey will speak on Trauma and Coping Skills first, on December 1 and December 8.

During the next four trainings, participants will hear from two more speakers and will learn how to develop a One-Page Profile for a person they support. Participants will have access to a blank One-Page Profile and encouraged to develop one themselves.  During the second session of each speaker’s session, participants will be encouraged to attend to share their One-Page Profiles.  Speakers will be available to provide feedback and respond to questions. 

Randy Consford will speak about a profile for a person with mental health concerns on December 9, with the follow-up session on December 16. Shelbi Davenport will speak about a self-advocate’s one-page profile on December 14, with the follow-up session on December 17.

Attendees are not required to participate in the first session to attend the second session.


Karyn Harvey:  Trauma and Coping Skills (presented twice) December 1 and 8 at 1 p.m. Central

Randy Consford:  Mental Health and Preparing for COVID-19 – Creating a One-Page Profile followed by the work session to create your profile for your loved one. December 9 and December 16 at 10:30 a.m.

Shelbi Davenport:  Supporting People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities – Creating a One-Page Profile followed by the work session to create your profile for your loved one or helping them do it. December 14 and December 17 at 11:30 a.m.

This engaging 6-part series begins Dec. 1, 2020, and ends Dec. 17, 2020. For a schedule of webinar events, speaker bios, and registration information please go to: https://disabilitystudies.utexas.edu/PersonCenteredSupport

For questions or accommodations, please email, Cynda.green@txp2p.org

Date and Time
Dec. 16, 2020, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.