The Health and Human Services (HHS) Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) state office is pleased to announce the next topic in the genetics webinar series titled, “Updates on Prenatal Testing.” Mark your calendar for Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 12:00 pm.
Presented by Dr. April Adams and Laura Buckner, M.Ed., L.P.C., UT Texas Center for Disability Studies, this webinar will describe current prenatal testing options, the importance of family history and carrier screening, plus review when patients should be referred for genetic counseling. In addition, the Charting the Life Course trajectory will be reviewed with examples for families receiving ECI services.
This webinar series is presented by HHS ECI, the University of Texas Center for Disability Studies, Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Hospital and the Department of State Health Services.
Register for this webinar by visiting the link
ECI service providers including early intervention specialists, social workers and licensed professional counselors will be able to obtain CEUs from these events. All webinars will be available on the ECI archived webinar page under the “Genetics Series” section for those that are not able to participate in the live event.
If you have any questions, contact Paul Nixon at