Crip Conversations: A Conversation with Anneli Garcia

Event Status

An exploration of freedom-dreaming, disability, and education. How can we re-imagine our educational systems in ways that center liberation and disability justice?

Anneli Garcia was born in the United States to two Mexican immigrants. Anneli is a Mexican-American woman raised in Pharr, Texas, a bordertown with a unique blend of cultural values. The western psychiatric complex would call her neurodivergent. Anneli likes to analyze our current systems and dream towards their re-imaginings, with the educational system being a particular interest of hers. Anneli aspires to work in collaboration with her community, focusing on popular education and community empowerment.

Anneli recently graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology and an additional concentration in Disability Studies. As part of her educational career, Anneli practiced in Georgetown ISD as a School Psychology Practicum Student.

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Flyer for Crip Conversations event: A Conversation with Anneli Garcia
Date and Time
Sept. 26, 2024, noon to 1 p.m.
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